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14 September 2015

Maputo City, an ever changing facade

Heaven on Earth?

Cruising along the Islands of Vilanculos

Farewell for now

This visit was far too short, but we bid the Vic Falls a fond farewell and say till we see you next time, rather than goodbye!

Ziplining across the Gorge


Not for the faint hearted, that's for sure.
I was not entirely looking forward to this one, but once I was harnessed in there was no turning around. The initial drop is terrifying, but once you feel the wind and the speed you forget about how scared you are and start enjoying the breath taking scenery around you.

Safely back with my feet touching land. Legs are a bit wobbly now :)

Chilling on the banks of the Zambezi

Chilling on the banks of the Zambezi, enjoying a ice cold local beer.

Sunsets & Stormy Weather on the Zambezi