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28 April 2014

On The Road To Fame...

Its been a dream of mine since I was a teenager to be able to take beautiful photos. However as with all things life just happens and you always put the things you want to do on the "backseat" until when you have more time, when you have more money etc. 

Well in my case it was "when I live in a normal place", or by that I meant in a city or place busy enough where they actually offer a photography course, you have access to equipment etc. So the minute I knew I was going to live in Maputo (a city) for a while I started googling left right and center an decided now is the time.

I was very disappointed when I could not find one single photographer in Maputo and was just about to once again put this dream on the back seat when I found a brilliant course that I can complete mostly online and comes highly recommended. 

So "allas", the time is now - and guess what, I dint even have to move anywhere "normal" :)

Here are some of my first attempts with some of the skills I have learned so far. I cannot wait to see what I will be able to do once I have completed my diploma.


Diving EN1 and Buddies at Barra

Check how awesome this is. The landie broke down, so we launch the boat with this little "dumpy truck"... Only in Africa :)