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18 November 2014

Friendly Giraffes & Pale Lions

Just around the corner from our balloon launching & landing sites was the 
Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve............

Given that we are both animal lovers coupled Carlien's love of photographing them it seemed an obvious place to continue our adventures. Immediately upon entering the park you encounter the "Neck & Deck" Cafe where 3 enqusitive and friendly giraffes welcome you.

Anyone who follows the blog or knows me will recall that the Giraffe is one of my favourite animals and was in fact the reason that I decided to visit Africa in the first place.

So you can imagine I was quite happy and excited to be able to get this close to them and feed them

Carlien seems to enjoy it too!

Moving on from the Giraffes and in to the rest of the park we began to encounter more wildlife

Warthogs (Pumbas) - these are one of Carlien's favourites!

Given the name of the reserve you, like I, may have been  starting to wonder where the Rhinos and Lion were to be found. It appears they are down here

The park actually had 2 lion enclosure the common lion and the "White Lion".
White Lions are not technically a different species of Lion but just one with a recessive gene relating to their colouration. They are very pretty though!

The Ladies: 

Of course there were also 'regular' lions, although these guys were harder to photograph as they were hiding under the trees in the shade.

The park also has a breeding programme and in the nursery area you can meet
 and interact with some of the cubs

Carlien & Cub talking to each other

A very sleepy tiger cub.


And not forgetting the smaller of nature's creatures also:

All told some nice animal encounters.

We're getting tired now, after all we've been up since 3.30!
 Time for a lie down and some refreshment at the Homini Hotel......

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