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02 February 2014

Barra - Inhambane we've arrived!!!

As sad as we were that our travels in the UK had to come to an end so soon (as all holidays do), we were quite excited about all the new adventures awaiting us in Mozambique. 

Dru is off to his island lifestyle in Barra - Inhambane where fantastic diving with Manta's and Whale Sharks awaits him, and I had to spend a couple of weeks in South Africa and then settle in to life in Maputo. Quite strange being back in real corporate life after so many years of flip flops and shorts, but for the moment quite enjoyable and worth while. At least it is only week days and still on a beautiful beach where diving is just a stones throw away. 

Our grass hut in Barra:)

Dru and his "tash" for Movember. Well done guys, glad it came off afterwards...

Toks a happy, happy cat when mum and dad got home from England and fetched him from the "babysitters"...

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