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22 May 2014

The Old Pomene Hotel

There is unfortunately very little information that can be found on this grand old lady as I would have loved to blog on the full history of this hotel and who the owners were, more importantly if they have ever been back after the war, but nevertheless I will share the information that we could find.

In 1954 a man with the name Vic Preen and his son Brian decided that Southern Mozambique was getting too busy for them so they decided to explore more further North looking for untouched fishing grounds away from the madding crowds. 

This lead them to Pomene where they had to cut a path through the dense forest to the West shore of the estuary where they could cross by boat and set up camp on Pomene Point. 

For many, many years, they were the only people living in this pristine paradise aside from a few local fishermen. 

About six years after their arrival a ship called the Berea, carrying a cargo of sugar, was shipwrecked on the South Beach of Pomene Point and Pomene was suddenly discovered when a road was built to try and recover the valuable cargo. 

This in turn led to the development of the Old Pomene Hotel, but as luck would have i, this grand old lady which was once known as the holiday home of Samora Machel, was abandoned in 1974 after only six years of operation because of the war and the Portuguese people being forced out of Mozambique.

Walking through these ruined old walls you can almost feel the charm and grandeur of yesterday and imagine just how impressive this hotel would have been in the 1970's.  Even today Pomene is really off the grid, there is no cell phone signal, no Internet and barely electricity as the lodge we stayed in only has generators that run for a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the evening. Now for someone like me in the hospitality industry, I can just imagine back then what a enormous challenge it would have been to run this hotel at the standard of entertaining heads of state, royalty etc.

After the evacuation the Pomene area largely became a strong hold for Renamo during the 20 year civil war. And from the day of Mozambique's independence only a hand full of very small lodges has made their way into or back to the Pomene area, leaving you wondering why someone hasn't scooped up this precious gem and restored it to its former glory.

Word has it that the a large hotel consortium has purchased the property and paid all the locals their dues, so who knows maybe next time we visit Pomene we will stay in the "New Grand Old Hotel".

Lets hope if they do develop this area, they keep it authentic and full of its rich history.


  1. O wow this is intresting we love this place we go visit there every time we ho to Morrongulo. Always wondering whats the story behind that old hotel.

  2. We were at the old hotel and the storm removed all the tiles. The owner of Morrungulo Beach lodge told us his father Mr Nelson build the hotel in the sixties.

  3. hi My parents Neville and Ileen Hulett used to manage the hotel from around 1970 - 1974 when they had to leave as the threat of terrorist attacks were emminent.

    1. Hi thats amazing....any pictures to share of those days?

  4. Stayed there with my family September 1974 ... we may have been the last

  5. hi would love to see some pictures of what it looked like back in the day, inside and out pictures - does anyone have or know anyone that has pictures? We just came back from yet another trip to Pomene definitley one of our favourite places in the world

  6. Is this anything to do with the hotel referred to in the book "Baron in Africa (chapter 14) by Brian Marsh?

  7. Not sure, just old hotel at Pomene we trying to find photos of how it looked in its prime

  8. We still go on a yearly basis but not even Saturn has any photos amore

  9. I will be visiting the island in December via MSC cruise
