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19 March 2013


Well what can we say about Barra Diving?
Amazingly, Wonderfully, Stupefyingly, Magnificently, Brilliantly, Exquisitely Fantastic!!!!!
That about sums it up and the pictures will speak for the rest.
Yes, they do look like this and they still work :)

Ribbon Eel
Two sea moths (spot me if you can)

My friend

Honeycomb Moray Eel

We had just the most amazing sighting of a Manta Birostris (Giant Manta) you can ever imagine. What made this one so special may you ask, well because it has a very personal story for one of our friends Richie O'Connell.
Sorriso - meaning smile in Portuguese is Richie's Manta. He is a very large giant male manta, which is often more rare than spotting the females. Through the Mega Fauna Foundation you can adopt your own Manta for a relatively small sum, all proceeds going towards further research and the long term protection of this magnificent species.
Richie adopted this Manta after spotting it's very unique pattern on the underside of its belly which is how mantas are identified. In Sorriso's case an almost perfect smiley face. Richie, being extremely proud of his Manta, told us all about this when we arrived at Barra.
None of us would have ever imagined that on our last dive on Giants Castle Sorriso himself would be captured on film. Richie was unfortunately not with us on the dive so we literally rushed back and told him that we think we spotted Sorriso.
We took our identification shot to Libby at Mega Fauna who kindly confirmed for us that the picture was indeed of Sorriso.
Major celebrations were in order :)

Seagrass Ghost Pipefish

Look at me, look at you



Dru's Jellyfish and Friends

Sea Apple

One of the holy grails, of the mini fauna - Harlequin Shrimp


Frog (Angler) Fish

Amazing - the Weedy Scorpion Fish

It just got better and better.


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