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11 May 2013


THE PHOTOS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. We are very lucky to live right on the doorstep of such healthy and largely untouched reefs.
It is like venturing into another world, full of colour and joy where everyone is at peace and in sync with each other.


This Honeycomb Moray was just too happy to pose for the camera. Very inquisitive decided to come and have a extra close look at the camera and ended up leaving smudge marks on the lens from his nose :) 


Sea cucumber. The Chinese would start getting out their chop stix and cooking pots :)

Zenze!!!!! Scubee Doooo...


Amazing Barrel Sponge...

Hundreds of yellow snappers...


Dru & The Reef on Bass City

Pretty Sea Stars...

Emperor Angel fish starting to change his stripes to spots.... Almost a teenager now :)

Lion fish coming to check out the camera...

Little Blennie, not shy at all.

Dolphin on our safety stop...

Dru in action with his student.


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