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04 July 2014

Eiland with Mum & Auntie Koekie

A nice relaxing week catching up with my mom and aunt. 

Bliss to just be lazing in the hot spring, heated pools, sauna's and steam rooms. 

Going for drives around the area and appreciating the wild lilies growing on the side of the road and all the beautiful citrus plantations, and even just stepping out of our chalet to appreciate the gorgeous bird life right on our doorstep.

Then also getting just a little bit of exercise on the trampolines and the mini golf challenge, expertly won by my mom :) 

My mom got to meet her hero, Tannie Poppie, from the Kokkedore food show. 
What a special moment!

Concentration went out the door on posing for family photos the minute that ice cream got to the table :)

Mom and Tannie Koekie, Thank you for a lovely holiday. We miss you already!

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