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04 July 2014

The Giant Baobab at Gravelotte

Following the Barberton gold rush in the 1880's the giant Baobab just outside of Gravelotte en-route to Tzaneen was used as a pub, called by the landlord, Charlie Madros, "The Murchison Club". The inside of the bar was wide enough to serve up to 15 miners abreast. 

Sadly today it is no longer a pub and the new owner has allowed for this great tourist attraction to fall in to much disarray. The old windows and door area have since been overgrown by new bark and tissue and the picnic area which once stood proud around the tree is now a bunch of broken benches and tables with a deserted play area. 

You can still climb inside and up the side of the tree, but the uniqueness of this attraction is sadly no longer as alluring. You still have to part with R10.00 per person just to view the tree. Lets hope that some of those pennies will be used to upgrade and restore this grand lady to her previous splendour.

Dru inside the old pub, very disappointed that no one was selling cold beer.

This is the only way to appreciate the magnitude of this tree. See if you can find Dru in the picture. Its almost like a "Where's Wally" cartoon :)

Posing at the base of the Baobab.

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