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02 June 2013

Birds, what birds?

Came up with a bright spark idea to add some "activity" to our garden, so shovels came out and two bird baths and a bird feeder tray was erected. Looks very smart and everything, so when we got to town we even bought "wild bird seed", just to make sure we give the birds the correct food and not spoil them with human food which might not be good for them.
Well well, the birds love the baths - but have not yet had their turn to the feeder tray as their main competition is the squirrels and the monkeys. Who knew monkeys would eat hands full of bird seeds if there is nothing else available.
Well have now made our lives easier, bread and bananas it is :)
Very happy little fellow above. We'll see when Tokolosh figures out that mom has set up the perfect dinner trap for him...

Tiny little praying mantis came to visit. Dru put him down on the patio railing and off he went, until he got to a gap that had some cob webs and he stuck his leg in it. What a mission to get these sticky things off, luckily the humans helped.


A beautiful sunset from our back garden.

Driving home from the music festival. Southern Mozambique covered in mist.

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