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02 June 2013

Winter is coming!

Bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! No actually we are lying. The blankets were put away after the last winter and I just couldn't wait to get them out the minute I felt a slight chill in the air. It might have something to do with the velvety feel...
 They are addictive... as Tokolosh has demonstrated in the photos below.
The only thing that is a problem is this is Africa, so it never really gets THAT cold. Tokie had all the best intentions of curling himself into a bundle of fluff but not long and the nose and all four paws were sticking out as his little body could not tolerate the heat any longer.


Still, not a happy cat when mom interrupted his sleep by lifting some of the blanket off so he could breathe...
Hail Tokolosh the king of the castle, we mere mortal humans shall not forget our position of servants in the house. Fresh fish, loads of sleep and luxury comforts shall always be provided :)

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