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10 July 2012

Mafalala & The Black Market

Mafalala is one of the poorest areas within Maputo, basically a township.

Life however goes on as usual, kids playing on the streets, ladies going about their daily chores etc.

One thing that was very interesting about Mafala, is that no matter how poverty stricken the area and the dwellings looked. Almost every house had a semi decent new car parked in front of it.

You've got to love these cheap Japanese imports! Now everyone car afford a car...

Above is the very interesting black market. Here it is like going to Tesco's - apart from the fact that it is all in the outdoors under these colorful umbrellas.

You can literally find anything under the sun here.

I was a bit worried however on where all the goods on sale come from. You can clearly see that some of it is Chinese knock off's, but there is also some very real legit products. 

So how does a camera lens that will set you back about 800$ US, come to a market in Maputo and be for sale at about R3000.00 MMmmmmmm!!!!?

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