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10 July 2012

The Natural History Museum Maputo

Just about the only thing that I personally found interesting here was the building.

Located in Avenue Travessia do Zambeze this impressive building has housed the National History Museum since 1933. The building is built in the Neo-Manuelino architectural of the early 20th century finished around 1911. 
Originally called The Provincial Museum it changed name in 1913 taking the name of Dr Álvaro de Castro Museum (who was the General Governor of Mozambique) this name remained in place up until 1975 after which it was renamed as the Natural History Museum.
One of the main attractions is the complete collection of elephant foetus, which is believed to be unique and show the gestation of the foetus from conception to birth. The Museum also possesses an important collection of antique sculptures and represents the various ethnic groups of Mozambique. 

If Taxidermy is your thing, you might have a royal time at this museum. It is definitely not recommended for anyone with a sinus problem as the dust layers on everything is enough to suffocate you.

The elephant foetus display was one note of interest.

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