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10 November 2013

Brighton Pier and The Lanes

I just love Brighton, it is such a cosmopolitan city with an atmosphere of a seaside town, yet hip and happening with some the best entertainment and food in Southern England. You could wander along the harbour and do Ale tastings all day. You could go for sailing trips, learn to sail or just bask in the sun and work on your "English tan".

You can even book a dive, if you want to dare the cold waters of England. We skipped this one, Dru refuses to get into any water under 20 degrees Celsius.

Then not to speak of The Lanes. Here I could get lost for a week "Literally". The small little winding paths meander through a substantial part of Brighton with tiny little shops on shops on shops. 

You can find anything your heart desires here and what could the heart desire more than the perfect tea and cake shop when you find yourself in the home of the English who are famous for their high teas?

I eventually lost count of the amount of delicatessen's, tea rooms and just "pure bliss" ice cream and cake shops there are in this area. If you live here you have to have serious self perseverance to have a "good figure".

And again flowers everywhere

Old or young, Brighton Pier is a days outing for anyone who wants some serious fun. Be it just sitting on one of the benches on the walk deck munching down on little mini sugar coated donuts, whilst watching the small boats bobbing on the water, or playing some of the arcade machines to see what prises you could collect.

There is a theme park with lots of rides, a haunted house, photo booths, clairvoyants and tarot card readers. 

What impressed me most was the beautiful view from the Pier to towards Brighton , the perfect place to sit and read a book and watch the people go by.

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