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10 November 2013

Little Hampton & Rustington

Welcome to England.

After a long flight and a stopover in Dubai, we finally approached landing at the Gatwick International Airport. Dru had to wait a while after he passed through immigration for locals and I had to take on the ques for the foreign nationals which is a whole different sack of potatoes all together.

I felt like I was in China again being hoarded along a snake like winding mass of people with no end in view. Must say I can't complain as it did go a bit quicker than in China and at least most people could be understood this time...

After we collected our luggage we collected our rental car and heading off towards Rustington and Little Hampton where Dru's family lives.

What a picturesque little town, with pebbly beaches, neat little stone houses and an atmosphere of there is always tomorrow. We immediately set out luggage down and went for a walk on the beach. (No sand, only pebbles)

I absolutely loved the little beach cabins, neatly painted, that run all along the side of the road to the beach. These are long term rentals which you can rent to store all your beach gear in and then use on these lovely summer days when you go to the beach.

I must say some of these have been set up magnificently with little kitchenettes, gas barbeque's, umbrellas and deck chairs. Everything you need for the perfect relaxed day at the beach.

It is a pity they don't have bathrooms, I could easily move into one of these permanently :)

Yay!, real English fish and chips, I can't wait to try it.

But today we opted for good old bangers and mash. Very impressed on day one already, good old home style cooking which we'll certainly be back for more.

The local pub in Rustington. The pubs in England are institutions, not just a "bar". Most of them date from about the 1600's, some even as far back as the 1400's, and they are they are all busy. It is local tradition to frequent your pub at least four days a week, for some every single day after work. The customers are like family and loyal to their local, some of them having been part of the pubs history for a few generations of their family members.

Absolutely amazing.

I just couldn't get over how much care people take in England to make their properties look beautiful and inviting. No matter where in England you go, there are these baskets and planters of flowers everywhere even in the streets. I suppose people that have less than nice weather most year round needs something to brighten their day:)

I took about 500 photos of flowers alone. I think Dru might think I have lost the plot, as of course he doesn't even see it as he is so used to it.

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