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10 November 2013

Lands End

Lands End is a headland and small settlement in Western Cornwall. It is the most Westerly point of mainland England and Cornwall, situated in the Penwith Peninsula just west - southwest of Penzance.

A little bit of history courtesy of Wikipedia.

In 1769, the antiquarian William Borlase wrote:
"Of this time we are to understand what Edward I. says that Britain, Wales, and Cornwall, were the portion of Belinus, elder son of Dunwallo, and that that part of the Island, afterwards called England, was divided in three shares, viz. Britain, which reached from the Tweed, Westward, as far as the River Ex; Wales inclosed by the rivers Severn, and Dee; and Cornwall from the river Ex to the Land's-End".
In 1987 Peter de Savary purchased Land’s End for almost £7 million from David Goldstone. He had two new buildings erected and much of the present theme park development was instigated by him. He sold both Land's End and John o' Groats to businessman Graham Ferguson Lacey in 1991.The current owners purchased Land’s End in 1996 and formed a company named Heritage Great Britain PLC. Attractions at the theme park include children's playgrounds and recorded music. Twice a week in August there are firework displays. Nearby is the Land's End Hotel.
In May 2012, Land's End received widespread attention as the starting point of the 2012 Summer Olympics torch relay.

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