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10 November 2013


Exeter is a prehistoric city in Devon. Exeter was the most south-westerly Roman fortified settlement in Britain. Exeter Cathedral, founded in the early 12th century, became Anglican at the time of the 16th century reformation.

Exeter was bombed by the German Luftwavve in the Second World War, when a total of 18 raids between 1940 and 1942 flattened much of the city centre. In 1942, as part of the Baedeker Blitz and specifically in response to the RAF bombing of Lubeck and Rostock, forty acres (160,000 m2) of the city, particularly adjacent to its central High Street and Sidwell Street, were levelled by incendiary bombing. Many historic buildings in the heart of the city were destroyed and others, including the Cathedral, were damaged.

On a more lighter note, it is also the home of our friend Richie who owns Exeter cruises. We couldn't wait to go see this famous boat that takes tourists on a cruise down the river Exe on lazy summer days. 

Enjoying a bit of Moroccan delicacies.

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